@extends('admin.layout.layout') @section('content')

Personal Information

{{-- $vendorDetails was passed from AdminController --}}
{{-- $vendorDetails was passed from AdminController --}}
{{-- $vendorDetails was passed from AdminController --}}
{{-- $vendorDetails was passed from AdminController --}}
{{-- $vendorDetails was passed from AdminController --}}
{{-- $vendorDetails was passed from AdminController --}}
@if (!empty($vendorDetails['image']))


Business Information

{{-- $vendorDetails was passed from AdminController --}}
{{-- $vendorDetails was passed from AdminController --}}
{{-- $vendorDetails was passed from AdminController --}}
{{-- $vendorDetails was passed from AdminController --}}
{{-- $vendorDetails was passed from AdminController --}}
{{-- $vendorDetails was passed from AdminController --}}
@if (!empty($vendorDetails['vendor_business']['address_proof_image']))


Bank Information

{{-- $vendorDetails was passed from AdminController --}}
{{-- $vendorDetails was passed from AdminController --}}
{{-- $vendorDetails was passed from AdminController --}}
{{-- $vendorDetails was passed from AdminController --}}
{{-- Commissions module: Every vendor must pay a certain commission (that may vary from a vendor to another) for the website owner (admin) on every item sold, and it's defined by the website owner (admin) --}}

Commission Information

{{-- Our Bootstrap error code in case of wrong current password or the new password and confirm password are not matching: --}} {{-- Determining If An Item Exists In The Session (using has() method): https://laravel.com/docs/9.x/session#determining-if-an-item-exists-in-the-session --}} @if (Session::has('error_message')) @endif {{-- Displaying Laravel Validation Errors: https://laravel.com/docs/9.x/validation#quick-displaying-the-validation-errors --}} @if ($errors->any()) @endif {{-- Displaying The Validation Errors: https://laravel.com/docs/9.x/validation#quick-displaying-the-validation-errors AND https://laravel.com/docs/9.x/blade#validation-errors --}} {{-- Determining If An Item Exists In The Session (using has() method): https://laravel.com/docs/9.x/session#determining-if-an-item-exists-in-the-session --}} {{-- Our Bootstrap success message in case of updating admin password is successful: --}} @if (Session::has('success_message')) @endif
@csrf {{-- Preventing CSRF Requests: https://laravel.com/docs/9.x/csrf#preventing-csrf-requests --}} {{-- $vendorDetails was passed from AdminController --}}