{{-- Note: front/products/detail.blade.php is the page that opens when you click on a product in the FRONT home page --}} {{-- $productDetails, categoryDetails and $totalStock are passed in from detail() method in Front/ProductsController.php --}} @extends('front.layout.layout') @section('content') {{-- Star Rating (of a Product) (in the "Reviews" tab) --}}
{{ $productDetails['description'] }}
{{ $filter['filter_name'] }} |
@foreach ($filter['filter_values'] as $value) {{-- show the related values of the filter of the product --}}
// echo '', var_dump($value), ''; exit; @endphp @if (!empty($productDetails[$filter['filter_column']]) && $productDetails[$filter['filter_column']] == $value['filter_value']) {{-- $value['filter_value'] is like '4GB' --}} {{-- $productDetails[$filter['filter_column']] is like $productDetails['screen_size'] which in turn, may be equal to '5 to 5.4 in' --}} {{ ucwords($value['filter_value']) }} @endif @endforeach |
{{ $rating['review'] }}